[2023] The Best $100 Loan Instant Apps: Get Cash Fast and Easy!

Are you in need of a quick $100 loan? Look no further! Our team at Apps Like™ has done the research and found the best $100 loan instant apps that can help you get the cash you need, right when you need it. Whether it's an unexpected bill or a financial emergency, these apps can provide you with a fast and convenient solution. In this article, we'll explore the top instant loan apps, compare their features, and provide expert advice to help you make the best choice for your financial needs.

Table of Contents

Quick Answer

Looking for a quick $100 loan? Check out these top instant loan apps:

  1. Cash App – Offers instant cash loans with a simple application process.
  2. Earnin – Provides access to your earned wages before payday.
  3. Brigit – Offers instant cash advances and overdraft protection.
  4. Dave – Provides small cash advances and budgeting tools.
  5. MoneyLion – Offers instant cash advances and credit monitoring.

Quick Tips and Facts

  • Instant loan apps are designed to provide quick access to cash, usually in amounts under $500.
  • These apps often have lower borrowing limits and shorter repayment terms compared to traditional loans.
  • Interest rates and fees vary by app, so it's important to compare the costs before borrowing.
  • Many instant loan apps require a bank account and proof of income to qualify for a loan.
  • Repayment is typically done automatically through the app, using the linked bank account.

Now, let's dive into the details of each instant loan app and explore their features, pros, and cons.

$100 Loan Instant Apps

1. Cash App

Cash App is a popular peer-to-peer payment app that also offers instant cash loans. With Cash App, you can borrow up to $1000 instantly and repay it over a period of four weeks. The application process is simple and can be completed within minutes. Cash App also offers a debit card that allows you to access your funds instantly.


  • Instant cash loans up to $1000
  • Simple application process
  • Debit card for instant access to funds


  • Quick approval process
  • No credit check required
  • Cash can be accessed instantly with the debit card


  • Limited borrowing limit compared to traditional loans
  • High fees for instant access to funds

Check price on Cash App

2. Earnin

Earnin is an app that allows you to access your earned wages before payday. If you have a job with a consistent paycheck, Earnin can provide you with up to $100 per day, based on the hours you've already worked. There are no fees or interest charges with Earnin, but the app does rely on voluntary tips to sustain its service.


  • Access to earned wages before payday
  • No fees or interest charges
  • Tip-based model


  • No fees or interest charges
  • No credit check required
  • Can help avoid overdraft fees


  • Limited to accessing earned wages
  • Requires consistent employment with a paycheck

Check price on Earnin

3. Brigit

Brigit is an app that offers instant cash advances and overdraft protection. With Brigit, you can get up to $250 instantly to cover unexpected expenses. The app also provides budgeting tools and predictive insights to help you manage your finances better.


  • Instant cash advances up to $250
  • Overdraft protection
  • Budgeting tools


  • No credit check required
  • Predictive insights to help manage finances
  • Automatic cash advances to avoid overdraft fees


  • Limited borrowing limit compared to traditional loans
  • Monthly membership fee required for some features

Check price on Brigit

4. Dave

Dave is an app that provides small cash advances and budgeting tools to help you avoid overdraft fees. With Dave, you can get up to $100 instantly to cover unexpected expenses. The app also offers features like automatic budgeting and alerts for upcoming bills.


  • Small cash advances up to $100
  • Automatic budgeting
  • Alerts for upcoming bills


  • No credit check required
  • Helps avoid overdraft fees
  • Automatic budgeting features


  • Limited borrowing limit compared to traditional loans
  • Monthly membership fee required for some features

Check price on Dave

5. MoneyLion

MoneyLion is an all-in-one financial platform that offers instant cash advances and credit monitoring. With MoneyLion, you can get up to $250 instantly to cover unexpected expenses. The app also provides credit monitoring tools and personalized financial advice.


  • Instant cash advances up to $250
  • Credit monitoring
  • Personalized financial advice


  • No credit check required
  • Credit monitoring tools
  • Personalized financial advice


  • Limited borrowing limit compared to traditional loans
  • Monthly membership fee required for some features

Check price on MoneyLion

Instant Cash Loan vs. Instant Cash Advance Loan vs. Pay Day Loan

When it comes to instant loans, there are a few different types to consider: instant cash loans, instant cash advance loans, and payday loans. Let's take a closer look at each type and their key differences.

Instant Cash Loan

An instant cash loan is a short-term loan that provides you with immediate access to cash. These loans are typically for smaller amounts, such as $100, and are repaid within a few weeks. Instant cash loans are often offered through mobile apps and have a quick and simple application process. They are a convenient option for those who need cash quickly but should be used responsibly due to their higher interest rates and fees.

Instant Cash Advance Loan

An instant cash advance loan is similar to an instant cash loan but is typically offered by traditional lenders or banks. These loans are also for smaller amounts and have a short repayment period. Instant cash advance loans may require a credit check and may have stricter eligibility requirements compared to instant cash loans offered through apps.

Payday Loan

A payday loan is another type of short-term loan that provides immediate access to cash. These loans are typically repaid in full on your next payday. Payday loans often come with high interest rates and fees, making them a more expensive borrowing option. It's important to carefully consider the terms and costs of a payday loan before borrowing.

Pros and Cons of Instant Loan Apps

Instant loan apps offer a convenient solution for those in need of quick cash, but they also come with their own set of pros and cons. Let's take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of using instant loan apps.


  • Quick and convenient: Instant loan apps provide a fast and easy way to access cash when you need it most. The application process is typically simple and can be completed within minutes.
  • No credit check: Many instant loan apps do not require a credit check, making them accessible to individuals with less-than-perfect credit scores.
  • Flexible borrowing limits: Instant loan apps often offer flexible borrowing limits, allowing you to borrow as little as $100 or up to a few hundred dollars, depending on your needs.
  • Automated repayment: Repayment is usually done automatically through the app, using the linked bank account. This eliminates the need for manual repayments and helps you stay on track with your payments.


  • Higher interest rates and fees: Instant loan apps often come with higher interest rates and fees compared to traditional loans. It's important to carefully review the costs before borrowing to ensure it's a financially feasible option.
  • Limited borrowing limits: Instant loan apps typically have lower borrowing limits compared to traditional loans. If you need a larger amount of cash, you may need to explore other borrowing options.
  • Short repayment terms: Instant loan apps usually require repayment within a few weeks. This can be challenging for some borrowers, especially if they are already facing financial difficulties.
  • Risk of falling into a debt cycle: If not used responsibly, instant loan apps can lead to a cycle of debt. It's important to borrow only what you need and have a plan for repayment to avoid getting trapped in a cycle of borrowing.

Use Apps That Pay Instantly Wisely

While instant loan apps can provide a quick solution to your financial needs, it's important to use them wisely to avoid falling into a debt trap. Here are some tips to help you use apps that pay instantly responsibly:

  1. Borrow only what you need: Before applying for a loan, carefully assess your financial situation and determine how much you truly need. Borrowing more than necessary can lead to unnecessary debt and financial stress.
  2. Read the terms and conditions: Take the time to thoroughly read and understand the terms and conditions of the loan before accepting it. Pay attention to the interest rates, fees, and repayment terms.
  3. Create a repayment plan: Before borrowing, create a repayment plan to ensure you can comfortably repay the loan within the specified timeframe. Consider your monthly income and expenses to determine how much you can afford to repay.
  4. Avoid borrowing from multiple apps: While it may be tempting to borrow from multiple apps to access more cash, this can quickly lead to financial trouble. Stick to borrowing from one app at a time and only when necessary.
  5. Use budgeting tools: Many instant loan apps offer budgeting tools to help you manage your finances better. Take advantage of these tools to track your spending, set financial goals, and stay on top of your loan repayments.

By using instant loan apps responsibly and making informed borrowing decisions, you can effectively manage your finances and avoid unnecessary debt.

How to Pay Off Instant Loans Faster

Paying off your instant loans faster can help you save on interest charges and get out of debt sooner. Here are some strategies to help you pay off your instant loans faster:

  1. Make extra payments: If your loan allows for early repayment without penalties, consider making extra payments whenever possible. This can help you reduce the principal balance and save on interest charges.
  2. Cut back on expenses: Look for ways to cut back on non-essential expenses and redirect the savings towards your loan repayment. This could include reducing dining out, entertainment, or subscription services.
  3. Increase your income: Consider taking on additional work or finding ways to increase your income. Use the extra money to make larger loan payments and pay off your loan faster.
  4. Prioritize your loan: Make your loan repayment a priority in your budget. Allocate a specific amount each month towards your loan payment and stick to it.
  5. Avoid unnecessary borrowing: While it may be tempting to borrow more money, avoid taking on additional debt while you're still repaying your instant loans. Focus on paying off your loans first before considering new borrowing.

By implementing these strategies, you can accelerate your loan repayment and achieve financial freedom sooner.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get $100 right now app?

To get $100 right now, you can use instant loan apps like Cash App, Earnin, Brigit, Dave, or MoneyLion. These apps offer quick access to cash and a simple application process. Just download the app, complete the registration process, and apply for a loan. If approved, you can receive the funds instantly.

What is the app that gets $100 before payday?

Earnin is an app that allows you to access your earned wages before payday. If you have a job with a consistent paycheck, Earnin can provide you with up to $100 per day, based on the hours you've already worked. The app is designed to help you cover unexpected expenses before your next payday.

What app lets me borrow money instantly?

Cash App, Earnin, Brigit, Dave, and MoneyLion are some of the apps that let you borrow money instantly. These apps offer quick access to cash and have a simple application process. Just download the app, complete the registration process, and apply for a loan. If approved, you can receive the funds instantly.

How do I borrow $100 from Cash App?

To borrow $100 from Cash App, you need to download the app and create an account. Once you have an account, you can apply for a loan by providing the necessary information. If approved, the funds will be deposited into your Cash App account instantly, and you can use them for your financial needs.


When you need a quick $100 loan, instant loan apps can provide a convenient solution. Cash App, Earnin, Brigit, Dave, and MoneyLion are among the top instant loan apps that offer fast and easy access to cash. However, it's important to use these apps responsibly and borrow only what you need. Remember to read the terms and conditions, create a repayment plan, and avoid unnecessary borrowing. By using these apps wisely and paying off your loans faster, you can effectively manage your finances and achieve your financial goals.

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